Romance Novella in a Nutshell with multipublished Lisa Fox

Genre-Romance Romance Novella in a Nutshell with multipublished Lisa Fox

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Premium Members $25 & Basic Members $35
  1. Shorts/Novella
[bcolor=#ffffff]You don’t have to write an epic tome to get published! Romance novellas are extremely popular in all subgenres of romance. They fit perfectly into readers’ schedules, providing them with a satisfying, heartfelt story they can enjoy while dealing with this crazy, hectic life. And they are tremendously fun to write! [/bcolor]

[bcolor=#ffffff]But you’ve never tried to write a novella? No worries. This class is brief introduction to writing the Romance Novella so you can decide if this great form works for you. [/bcolor]

[bcolor=#ffffff]Join Lisa for a concise overview of:[/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]plotting and structure for the novella[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]How do secondary characters play in this shortened format[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Tips and tricks for keeping your writing tight. [/bcolor][/bcolor]

[bcolor=#ffffff]Fun exercises and personalized feedback will give you the tools you’ll need to publish the novella of your dreams.[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Introduction/What is a Novella?[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]One Couple, One Conflict, One Setting[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Awesome Tropes[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Secondary Characters and Subplots[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Sexy Times[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Bring it Home for the Win![/bcolor]
Start date
Oct 24, 2016 at 9:00 AM
End date
Nov 6, 2016 at 10:00 PM
Registration end date
Oct 26, 2016 at 10:00 PM
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings