Upcoming Classes

Revealing Character Through Dialogue: Secrets, Lies, and Innermost Thoughts with Amy L. Bernstein Amy L Bernstein
Perfect your dialogue and create exchanges that catapult your story to a satisfying end!
How to Use Tarot for Story, Scenes, Characters, and More with Paula Chaffee Scardamalia P
Learn to read Tarot to improve all aspects of your writing!
Editing in 10 Steps with Jen Paquette JMPaquette
10 steps to a more polished manuscript!

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Writing the Perfect Query Letter with Irene Roth [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Writing the Perfect Query Letter with Irene Roth - Afraid to write your next query? This class will make it fun and easy.

Do you struggle with feelings of fear and uncertainty when you write query letters because you are unsure of how to write a query which will be noticed and accepted by Editors? Do you submit articles just to receive a rejection letter and think that the way your query letter was written could be one of the main reasons for the rejection? Would you like to know how to write a great query and have a PDF file with a list of rubrics to write future query letters?
If you answered any of the above...

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Beginning WordPress with Pepper O'Neal [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Beginning WordPress with Pepper O'Neal - Understand Basic function of the WordPress Backed

This class will focus on understanding the basic functions of the WordPress backend. It will include: making posts and pages, adding images, copying and pasting from one post or page to another, creating links, connecting your social media links for Facebook, Twitter, etc., using plugins, widgets, and themes, creating parent and child pages, using menus, and customizing the look and feel of your site. In short, everything you need to set a website or blog and make it uniquely yours. The class...

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Create an Author Website with Wordpress-Louise Rose-Innes [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Create an Author Website with Wordpress-Louise Rose-Innes - Create Website using Wordpress

This workshop will demonstrate step-by-step how to create and set up an author website using WordPress. It will cover name registration and hosting using a provider such as Go Daddy or Hostgator, theme selection, plugins and widgets, layout and design, content and blogging, usability issues and navigation, internal and external links, customization.

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Using Magic in a Fantasy World with Rebekah R. Ganiere [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Using Magic in a Fantasy World with Rebekah R. Ganiere - Using Magic in a Fantasy World

Learn how to use Magic in your Fantasy with Rebekah

What is Magic ?
Classes of Magic (Nature, Fire, Water, Air, Destruction, Earth, Death, Life etc.)
Ways to use magic (Potions, scrolls, spellbooks, wands, incantations)
Are you a Wizard, a Sorcerer or a Fae?
What is the cost of magic?
What limitations should you put on magic?
How much magic is too much?

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Crowdfunding for the Self Publisher with Megan Applegate [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Crowdfunding for the Self Publisher with Megan Applegate - Learn the ins and out for successful Crowd funding for your next book!

Ready to go it alone and venture down the path to indie publishing? If you've thought about the work ahead and the potential expenses, have you considered crowdfunding to raise an advance for your book and get it off on the right foot?
This class will go over the basics of crowdfunding and provide a look at winning author campaigns--and how to apply them to your own crowdfunding!

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Blending Emotional Arcs and Conflict with Author, Editor and Coach Kat Duncan [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Blending Emotional Arcs and Conflict with Author, Editor and Coach Kat Duncan - Emotional Arcs and Conflict

This workshop explores the elements needed to show a character's emotional arc from opening page to ending scene. You will learn techniques that enable you to tug at a reader's heartstrings. How and when to launch into emotional introspection and when not to. Blend emotion and story conflict and learn when and how to emphasize each. Manage your characters' emotions by learning how to manipulate your readers' emotions. Entice your readers to follow your characters' emotional upheavals and...

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The Triangle of Structure with Sarah (Sally) Hamer [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

The Triangle of Structure with Sarah (Sally) Hamer - Structure of Triangle

It's long been known that the strongest geometric shape is the triangle. The Egyptians, the Romans and the cathedral builders of the Renaissance all used the triangle in their architecture because of its ability to "bear strong loads without deformation." In other words, triangles are good things to build with.
That goes for plot structure too. If you can get the three main plot points strong enough, interwoven enough and clear enough, your triangle will hold your story together, just as a...

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The Perfect Setting - How all writers can use the tools of worldbuilding - with Peter Andrews

Sarika submitted a new resource:

The Perfect Setting - How all writers can use the tools of worldbuilding - with Peter Andrews - Use the Tools of Worldbuilding

Every story can benefit from an authentic, fully realized setting. By asking the right questions, the writer can immerse readers in a specific environment, time period, and culture. Whether it's a galaxy far, far away or your own backyard, a detailed setting can engage your reader and sharpen your conflict

Make contemporary stories as exciting and surprising as SF and fantasy by moving past assumptions. Make invented worlds as real and believable as the town you live in. The class will...

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Mindful Creating with Mary OGara [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Mindful Creating with Mary OGara - Mindful Creating

Mindful Creating, aka How to get the most from your muse when you want it, is a month-long workshop focusing on quieting, focusing and working with your creative mind. You’ve taken your Inner Writer on artist dates and talked to her in morning pages; you’ve tried all the writing software and attended all the workshops. You may have plotted six thousand books you haven’t written yet or learned to write a book in a month. And whatever you’ve done is good, but it’s the dating and courtship stage....

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Emergency Medical Services terminology and procedures for Writers with Dora & Patrick Furlong

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Emergency Medical Services terminology and procedures for Writers with Dora & Patrick Furlong - Come explore the world of Emergency Medical Services in the United States.

Learn what it takes to be an emergency medical technician, how they work, movies and books vs. reality, types of skill sets, and much more.
Questions about EMS? Have a scene you’re working on or planning to write?
In this highly interactive workshop, you’ll get your questions answered, feedback on scenes, and weekly writing assignments to help you move your writing along.
This workshop will include a class chat to be scheduled at a time that works best for the majority of the class.


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Weaving Together Characterization and Plotting with Tambra Nicole Kendall [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Weaving Together Characterization and Plotting with Tambra Nicole Kendall - Characterization and Plotting

Do you place characterization in one category and plotting in another? They are extensions of each other. In this class you'll find out how. Topics covered include: Building characters, point of view, backstory, saggy middles, scene and sequel, GMC. This course is updated and will include a bonus section on writing sensual.

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Weaving Together Characterization and Plotting with Tambra Nicole Kendall [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Weaving Together Characterization and Plotting with Tambra Nicole Kendall - Weaving Together Characterization & Plotting

Do you place characterization in one category and plotting in another? They are extensions of each other. In this class you'll find out how. Topics covered include: Building characters, point of view, backstory, saggy middles, scene and sequel, GMC. This course is updated and will include a bonus section on writing sensual.

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Developing realistic fight Scenes in Fantasy Setting with Rebekah R. Ganiere [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Developing realistic fight Scenes in Fantasy Setting with Rebekah R. Ganiere - Fantasy Authors! How're your fight scenes?

An introduction to fighting scenes in a fantasy setting. Going over the following subjects:

  • Armor (types, uses, putting it on, taking it off)
  • Weaponry (Melee and ranged weapons, pros and cons, best weapons for classes)
  • Using Magic (wizard vs. sorcerer, how much is too much, the cost of magic)
  • Healing (herbs, paranormal, magic, potions)
  • Difference in Male and Female Fighting along with race and class (how we're built, what's the best technique for each sex)
  • Character...

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Develop your Fantasy world with Rebekah R. Ganiere** Save on the 5-class Series! [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Develop your Fantasy world with Rebekah R. Ganiere** Save on the 5-class Series! - Everything you need to develop your Fantasy World!

Class 1: Developing realistic fight Scenes in Fantasy Setting

An introduction to fighting scenes in a fantasy setting. Going over the following subjects:

  • Armor (types, uses, putting it on, taking it off)
  • Weaponry (Melee and ranged weapons, pros and cons, best weapons for classes)
  • Using Magic (wizard vs. sorcerer, how much is too much, the cost of magic)
  • Healing (herbs, paranormal, magic, potions)
  • Difference in Male and Female Fighting along with race and...

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Painfree Synopsis Writing with Sally Walker [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Painfree Synopsis Writing with Sally Walker - Learn How to Create a Synopsis

Novelists and Dramatists alike need to be able to summarize their stories in succinct 1-4 page synopsis format for marketing purposes. Do you know how to take that screenplay or 60,000-100,000 word novel to a mere 500 words and maintain the vigor and enthralling intensity of character and plot? Since busy agents, editors and producers REQUIRE a synopsis, you better know how to create one that will hold their attention! In Sally Walker's eight sessions, you will learn how to focus and summarize...

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SPECIAL Balloon Price! Weight Loss for Writers (A SavvyAuthors exclusive! ) with Hillary Rettig...

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Weight Loss for Writers (A SavvyAuthors exclusive! ) with Hillary Rettig - Lots of writers struggle with their weight, but has it ever occurred to you that weight gain has a l

It does! They're both examples of chronic procrastination, and as such can be resolved using the same techniques and tools. Longtime SavvyAuthors favorite Hillary Rettig, a master at helping people get more productive in their writing and life, invites you to join her for a unique class that will not just help you lose weight, but might even help you get more writing done! You'll learn what weight-related procrastination truly is (hint: NOT laziness or lack of discipline willpower), what causes...

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Filing Off The Serial Numbers: Making the Transition from Fanfic Writer to Professional Author

Sarika submitted a new resource:

Filing Off The Serial Numbers: Making the Transition from Fanfic Writer to Professional Author - Fanfic to Professional With Author Sarah Madison

50 Shades of Gray began as fanfiction. Elements of The Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare originated in her own fanfiction. One could argue that the authorized continuation of the Lord Peter Wimsey novels, as well as the movie Clueless, (a contemporary version of Jane Austen's Emma), and every incarnation of Sherlock Holmes has been a form of fanfiction as well. Fanfiction is a safe way to master your writing skills on a subject that you're passionate about--and...

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"Make me Care" How to Wow you readers - with Coach Kat Duncan [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

"Make me Care" How to Wow you readers - with Coach Kat Duncan - Ever hear agents, editors or reviewers say "make me care".

How do you make someone care about your story and the characters in it? Kat will show you a variety of ways to get readers to care. This workshop includes lessons on word choices and grammar, ways to use sensory imagery, body language, showing and telling and emotion to connect with readers. Kat explains how to present characters with clear, concise goals that readers will root for and hooks that keep readers on the edges of their seats. Got a story or scene that you can't seem to get readers...

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What Do You Want in a Publishing Contract? With Janie Bill [Deleted]

Sarika submitted a new resource:

What Do You Want in a Publishing Contract? With Janie Bill - Understand Terms of Your Publishing Contract

Overview of a standard publishing contract. The course prepares writers for what to expect when they are ready to sign. The lessons also educate authors who have already entered into contracts as to what they can expect from the publisher based on the basic language in publishing contracts.

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Prepare, Pitch, and Publish 2015 [Deleted]

Riley Darkes submitted a new resource:

Prepare, Pitch, and Publish 2015 - A Savvy Pitch Event

If you attended SavvyAuthors Pitch Perfect last year, you're going to love the enhanced event for 2014! In one month, SavvyAuthors will prepare you to pitch, post opportunites to pitch, and provide resources to help you continue on your path to publication.

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