Color Your Story: How Color Affects Our Emotions with Sia Huff

Writing Life Color Your Story: How Color Affects Our Emotions with Sia Huff

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Premium Members $30 & Basic Members $40

Register by February 13th and save $5, use code COLORHUFF2023 at checkout!
  1. Description/Setting
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Class Length
4 Weeks
Writing is transferring emotion onto the page to make a story come alive. Color sets the mood instantly without lengthy, detailed descriptions. Characters and setting become vivid when color is used to evoke primal physiological and emotional responses in readers. Individual colors have inherent meaning as well as those defined by society. Word painting with color reveals personality, state of mind, environment, emotional state, and so much more. This class will help authors understand color concepts they can use to enrich and add depth to their writing.


Color sets the mood without lengthy, detailed descriptions. Want a shortcut to evoke the readers emotions? Add a dab of color.

In this workshop you’ll learn:

· The Basics of Color
· Primary & Secondary Colors
· Warm & Cool Colors
· Individual Color Analysis
· Both positive & negative emotions associate with each color

Examples from popular books will be shared.
Class Format
Savvy Authors' workshops are held on a forum: a bulletin board based system. You will receive a reminder notice one day prior to the start of the workshop that includes instructions on how to access the workshop forum. If you have not received instructions by the day the workshop begins, please check your spam filter.

The forum will be available the morning (EST) of the day the workshop starts and will remain accessible to all participants thereafter. You will also be given simple instructions on how to create a PDF of all your discussions along with our privacy and data retention policy.
Sia Huff
Start date
Feb 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM
End date
Mar 20, 2023 at 12:50 AM
Registration end date
Feb 23, 2023 at 12:50 AM
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings