
Jan 7, 2021
San Diego
Hi, everyone! My name is Connie, and I hope everyone is doing well. Well, I know my thread title isn't the most creative title but it's pretty accurate, lol. A friend of mine recommended I joint this forum since I'm trying to navigate my way through finishing my work in progress (WIP). As far as my experience goes? For a short time in another life, I was a journalist and content contributor for some media outlets online. Although I met some great people during that time, it led me astray from my larger goal of being a novelist. So, instead of running like a madwoman down the convention center at SDCC every summer, I swapped it for an old municipal building where the only running I do usually involves delivering legal documents to suited up supervisors. It's not glamorous but in these uncertain times the health benefits and steady paychecks are a godsend.

I know I've said enough already, but it is my hope to meet some kindred spirits who can help me become a better writer and vice versa. I appreciate avid readers, and enjoy speculative fiction that range from fantasy to dystopian worlds. I am also looking for potential beta readers when my project is close to completion. A long time ago, I used to beta read in various LiveJournal (LJ) communities, and I think I was better at reviewing others' work than my own sometimes, lol.

Ok, I think sleep deprivation and the sugar high from my last cup of coffee is wearing down. Have a good weekend, and let's chat soon.
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Hi Connie! Welcome to SavvyAuthors! We are a quiet but determined crew of writers! There are lots of romance writers and a pretty good crowd of UF and Spec Fiction.
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I can tell! I was going through the community thread, and looking around the site in general. If I'm to be honest, it is a bit intimidating, so many people here are accomplished or at the very least have a grasp on their work. One of my projects is kind of like if you took the narrative style of Game of Thrones and the movie Pulp Fiction smushed together. I literally printed out the chapters of my draft and have re-arranged them like I was playing a game of Scrabble, lol.

Thank you for the warm welcome, I definitely appreciate it, and I'll look into figuring out about signing up for some courses, etc.
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Hey Connie--Just a friendly hello from the Pacific Northwest. I write historical mystery tales. Sometimes I stay up late and write so I understand about being a night owl writer. There's nothing like the quiet of the house and writing when all are asleep. I remember LiveJournal! I only lurked, but good for you for participating and editing. I hear you re: being a better editor of others' work than your own.
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