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  1. Lisa Catto

    Business Making Your Social Media Content More Accessible with Lisa Catto

    Many authors think about how to make their social media more engaging to their readers, but fewer ensure their content is accessible. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have built-in tools to help you make your content available to people with disabilities that use tools like screen readers. There...
  2. Lisa Catto

    Business Social Media Analytics 101 with Lisa Catto

    Authors spend so much of their valuable time cultivating their social media presence, but rarely stop to evaluate what is and isn’t working. As the major platforms like Facebook and Instagram continually try to push people toward paying-to-play, it’s even more critical to know what you post that...
  3. Lisa Catto

    Business Three Steps to a Social Media Content Plan with Lisa Catto

    It takes just three simple steps to create a social media content plan that will eliminate the stress of knowing you need to post, but have no idea what to share. By having a content plan, you can relax knowing you have ideas at your fingertips, which leaves you free to be spontaneous when you...
  4. Lisa Catto

    Business Using Social Media Tools to Free up your Time with Lisa Catto

    Saturday September 15 @ 1 p.m. EST Social media is one of the biggest time sucks most writers battle on a daily basis. Have you ever opened Instagram to post a photo then notice twenty minutes have passed without realizing it? This webinar will walk you through several third-party tools to...