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    Business Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Writers 101 with June Diehl

    Not sure what the hype about Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all about? Or how this might impact you as a writer? What are the ethical and legal issues that writers should understand? What are the ethical uses of AI that might benefit you and make your writing process more productive? This is a...

    Genre-Fantasy Writing Urban Fantasy with June Diehl

    Whether you are new at writing urban fantasy or want to improve some aspect of writing in this genre, we’ll explore in detail what urban fantasy is and the elements that make it a popular genre. How does the writer blend our world with the magical? How might the writer create non-human...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...

    Genre-YA Writing the YA Paranormal with June Diehl

    What makes YA paranormal different than adult paranormal? What makes YA different than other fiction? What do YA readers expect from your story? We’ll explore the differences from your story idea, story opening, middle, and end. In this workshop, we’ll discover how character, plots, and setting...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...

    Plot-Structure-GMC Master Workshop in Story Planning with June Diehl

    If you plan before you begin your draft or plan during the drafting part of your writing process, we’ll cover many of the techniques that you can use to help make your drafting go smoother. If you current do no or little planning before or during the writing of the story draft, we’ll explore...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...

    Craft Writing Subtext with June Diehl

    What is subtext and why is it important to fiction? How does something that lingers beneath the surface of a story have such a profound impact on the reader? Discover how you can deepen your fiction and add complexity to your story and characters. Subtext creates experiences that connect to your...

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...