Recent content by Cindy Vallar

  1. Cindy Vallar

    Genre-Historical Researching and Writing Historical Fiction with Cindy Vallar

    One of the first books I remember reading was Marie McSwigan’s Snow Treasure, the story of how Norwegian children ferried gold bars on their sleds under the noses of the Nazis to a ship waiting to take the gold to America for safekeeping. That book was a childhood favorite, and from then on, I...
  2. Cindy Vallar

    Genre-Fantasy Here Be Dragons with Cindy Vallar

    Dragons are beautiful, magnificent, magical creatures. . . . They are also the most intelligent, the most powerful, and the most dangerous. – Margaret Weis Say the word “dragon” and an image immediately comes to mind – an enormous reptilian or serpentine creature with huge wings and razor-sharp...