Marketing is a Dirty Word with Jessie Clever

Marketing is a Dirty Word with Jessie Clever

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  1. Business
  2. Indie Publishing
  3. Marketing
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People often misuse the term marketing when they are really thinking of promotion, and that is the root of the misperceptions of this dirty word. Marketing is actually made up of three different areas that work together to bring your product to market: product, price, and promotion. You may think that paid promotion is the only way to reach new readers, and it may be if you’re not correctly packaging your product (yes, your book is a product, and it requires packaging) or pricing it correctly according to the market.

In this workshop, we’ll discuss each of these factors in greater detail to better understand on how each contribute to the overall success of your product. In this case, getting your book in front of new readers. We’ll examine every aspect of packaging your book for the market to position it for optimal success in reaching new readers, using less effort from you and at a lower cost in the long run.
Jessie Clever
Start date
Jul 31, 2017 at 10:00 AM
End date
Aug 27, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Registration end date
Aug 3, 2017 at 3:00 PM
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