Writing Romantic Suspense with Becky Martinez

Genre-Romance Writing Romantic Suspense with Becky Martinez

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  1. Characters
  2. Description/Setting
  3. Editing
  4. Dialogue
  5. Structure
  6. Genre
  7. GMC
  8. Plotting
  9. POV
  10. Voice
  11. Worldbuilding
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Romantic suspense books remain as popular as ever. Who can resist a good mystery mixed with a torrid or delightful romance? But how do you write a story that will sell? What are the available genres and what are publishers looking for? How about your heroine and hero?

This class focuses on everything to do with romantic suspense. From constructing the plot, to coming up with a good hero and heroine to how to build suspense and mix in the romance, the class looks at all those fundamental elements. But there is more to writing romantic suspense. The mix must be just right and this class shows students how to make certain they don’t shortchange the mystery or ignore the romance. It also looks at the various genres and the current market for romance.
Becky Martinez
Start date
Sep 11, 2017 at 9:00 AM
End date
Oct 8, 2017 at 4:00 PM
Registration end date
Sep 13, 2017 at 4:00 PM
4.78 star(s) 41 ratings

Latest reviews

Oh my gosh, where do I start? I have only praise for this course and for the instructor. We learned so much about romantic suspense and its components and from each other when other writers posted their homework. Miss Becky generously commented on everyone's work and told us our strengths.
We wrote very detailed character sketches including character goals, beliefs, habits, and fears.We detailed our villains. We plotted our novels using her unique plotting circle and timeline worksheet. And we turned in the actual first pages of our book.Through her lectures I discovered that my manuscript was missing more suspects, which now is the obvious reason I wasn't moving forward with the story. I never would have discovered this on my own,and now I feel so motivated to move forward. Moreover, I can't wait to read one of her books where she puts all of her strategies to work. I recommend this course 100% to anyone wishing to write in this genre.