Account Upgrades

Available Upgrades

$40.00 per year

A yearly subscription for SavvyAuthors Premium membership.

Please note: this is a recurring yearly subscription which will renew (and charge your PayPal account or credit card) 1 year from purchase and but you can cancel at any time with no penalty.

Join SavvyAuthors at a Premium level and enjoy discounted classes, free special events, access to our chatroom, and sneak peeks of upcoming new features!

Discounts on SavvyAuthors Classes
Special discounted price for SavvyAuthors Classes and Webinars
Free Access to SavvyAuthors Special Events
Special discounted price for SavvyAuthors Classes and Webinars
Register for Mentoring Programs
Register for our mentoring programs exclusively available to Premium Members!
$15.00 per month
Join WordWarriors with Irene Roth and stay motivated!

Are you trying to juggle too many things and just don’t know how to commit to your writing? Have you been trying to write and just can’t seem to get anything done?

Are you having a difficult time to find a permanent support for your writing? Do you have a difficult time to stay motivated?

Join an ongoing group, designed to give you the support, guidance, and accountability that will help you stay motivated over the long term—right past Nano and right into the winter and spring and then summer and fall of next year.