Steve’s Horror class was packed with excellent information. I found him to be not only a fantastic instructor, but incredibly motivating, as well. He provides a truly impactful experience that I found to be rare with some of these classes. Personally, have only truly encountered, in a few. Steve takes actual time to provide guidance, and meticulous feedback on assignments. His class is not akin to a blog post or video you can find online, for free. It is not a class you receive rushed, or incomplete answers in feedback. Nor given a simple like, or emoji. Nor are you ever ignored. Quite the opposite. He is very thorough. He takes evident time in reviewing each, and every assignment posted. Any, and all questions that follow. Because of his considerate effort you become aware of your strengths, and weaknesses. You are enabled to learn from classmates through the attentive feedback he provides, them. The class experience is truly elevated. You come out knowing what you excel at, and what you need to improve upon. It makes a world of a difference. One, I honestly recommend along with a select few…that made a world of a difference for me. Truth is, I only ever give reviews when I feel it is deserved. I adored this class, and the instructor.