HOT SUMMER Fortnight Flash Fiction June 10 - 23

Contest HOT SUMMER Fortnight Flash Fiction June 10 - 23

I enjoyed the freedom of using words to do a bit of worldbuilding, even though it is only 1,000 words. Just enough to start a conversation but not enough to have a dialogue.
It's a really good way to have a creative spark and potentially get some feedback for it from fellow writers. Writing novels is a long and lonely process, as are writing competitions which take MONTHS to hear back from (if at all). This informal approach is a great bit of brain exercise.
Hoping for more interaction and feedback, but seems like everyone is on their own track. Was also confused by why the contest moderator or 'site monkey' would comment on a single entry. This felt like a conflict of interests, but I am new to the Savvy world. I enter events and contests for feedback, to improve my craft and was hoping this would be such a venue. I also recognize it takes time to grow ... although many particpants seem to have been around for years and probably know the ropes better.
I really enjoyed having the option to participate in this. It came at a time where I needed a little brain cleaning for some focus. I'm excited to participate in future flash fiction events.