Visual Writing: Story Boards & Story Maps with Joan Koster

Craft Visual Writing: Story Boards & Story Maps with Joan Koster

I learned a great deal from Joan in the Visual Writing class. Even the stuff I thought I already knew, she provided a super fresh perspective on. I appreciated all the options and various ways to complete the "Try It Outs" (homework). I couldn't make Canva do what I wanted, so I really need to play around with it. But, there again, I thought Canva was only for businesses &/or sales pitches. Glad to have these resources. Depending on my story &/or what I what to accomplish within my story will determine which resource(s) I will use. But, never fear, I WILL use them. Plus, her feedback was gentle, kind, & informative, which helped facilitate the learning - no "wrong" way, whatever works for you!!!