Fears and Desires with Deb Bailey

Craft Fears and Desires with Deb Bailey

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  1. Characters
  2. Genre
  3. GMC
  4. Plotting
  5. POV
  6. Voice
  7. Worldbuilding
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Your characters deepest fears and desires will drive them to take specific actions. What do they really want? What are they desperate to avoid? Even if the reader doesn't agree, they will understand the character's motivations. How to make sure the motivations line up with the story you want to tell.
  • Who is your character and what do they really want?
  • What is the character's backstory? Why are they the way they are?
  • Antagonists – why are they in conflict with the hero/heroine?
  • Protagonists – what makes them different than the antagonist?
  • What is your character willing to do o achieve their goals?
Deborah Bailey
Start date
Mar 1, 2021 at 9:00 AM
End date
Mar 14, 2021 at 12:00 AM
Registration end date
Mar 3, 2021 at 12:00 AM
4.96 star(s) 26 ratings

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The class was super, I found a lot of amazing details and have been able to improve my craft.