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Just Write: Beginning and Ending YOUR first book with multi-published author J.D. Faver

Just Write: Beginning and Ending YOUR first book with multi-published author J.D. Faver

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Basic Members $40 & Premium Members $30
  1. Editing
  2. Dialogue
  3. Structure
  4. Genre
  5. GMC
  6. Plotting
  7. POV
How to craft your novel from start to finish; A step-by-step approach
Great place for a beginner to start or for an intermediate writer to brush up on the basics.
  1. Where do you start? Story idea; Genre
  2. Where are you? Setting; A sense of place
  3. Who are the players? Building believable characters: Characterization
  4. What’s it all about? Plot; Story arc
  5. How does it turn out? Conflict; Build rising tension
  6. What do they say? How do they say it? Believable dialogue
  7. How can you make it your own? Voice and Style
  8. Wrapping it all up with a bow.
J.D. Faver
Start date
May 9, 2016 at 9:00 AM
End date
May 11, 2016 at 10:00 PM
Registration end date
May 11, 2016 at 10:00 PM
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