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Learn to navigate Scrivener for Windows in 30 Days or Less with Freelance Author Rebeca Schiller

Learn to navigate Scrivener for Windows in 30 Days or Less with Freelance Author Rebeca Schiller

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[bcolor=#ffffff]Window users can now have the same writing flexibility as Mac users with Scrivener for Windows. Just like it's "big brother” Scrivener for Windows is a robust writing application with a number of features and options to fit any writer's writing style. And now we have a class that is tailored just for Windows users who have wanted to learn more. And all this in 30 days or less![/bcolor]

[bcolor=#ffffff]Are you a plotter and outline? Or do you prefer to storyboard? Or maybe you rather pants it and just keep all your documents and research in one tidy project? Whichever is your style of writing, Scrivener offers a wide range of choices for note-taking, editing, and revising, saving and backing up your, importing documents, PDFs, images and websites.[/bcolor]

[bcolor=#ffffff]With a daily lesson, Rebeca will teach you the ins and outs of navigating Scrivener for Windows including show you how to, [/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Organize your work via the Binder,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Work with the inspector,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Plan with the Corkboard,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Setup the No distractions with Composition Mode and Word Count Goals,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Creating Custom Layouts and document templates,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Use The Name Generator[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]Import images, Web files, and documents,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  • [bcolor=#ffffff][bcolor=#ffffff]How to export, print, and compile an e-book[/bcolor][/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]All tutorial will be emailed daily. A homework assignment will be included at the end of the lesson.[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 1: Choosing and saving a project; reviewing the interface[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 2: Organizing your work via the Binder[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 3: Working with the Inspector Part 1: Synopsis[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 4: Working with the Inspector Part 2: Tracking with Meta-data[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 5: Working with the Inspector Part 3: Document Support Panes[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 6: Getting it all down with the Editor[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 7: Scrivinings Mode[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 8: Planning with the Corkboard[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 9: Getting into the nitty-gritty with the Outliner[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 10: No Distractions with Composition Mode[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 11: Marking up Text with Inline Annotations and Comments[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 12: Setting Word Count Goals[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 13: Creating Custom Layouts[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 14: Creating Document Templates[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 15: Search and Replace[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 16: Creating Collections[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 17: What's in a name: The Name Generator[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 18: Saving Different Versions with Snapshots[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 19: Manual and Automatic Back Ups[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 20: The Scratch Pad[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 21: Creating Links between documents[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 22: Importing Images, Web files and Documents[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 23: Simple Exporting and Printing[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 24: Setting Up Compile Options[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 25: Formatting Compiled Output[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 26: Exporting Project with Compile Part 1: Saving and Resetting Settings[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 27: Exporting Project with Compile Part 2 Creating and Deleting Compile Presets[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 28: Formatting and Exporting E-Books[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 29: Exporting Outlines and Document Notes[/bcolor]
[bcolor=transparent]Day 30: Answering Questions. [/bcolor]
Rebeca Schiller
Start date
Sep 5, 2016 at 9:00 AM
End date
Oct 2, 2016 at 9:00 PM
Registration end date
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:00 PM
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