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Authors spend so much of their valuable time cultivating their social media presence, but rarely stop to evaluate what is and isn’t working. As the major platforms like Facebook and Instagram continually try to push people toward paying-to-play, it’s even more critical to know what you post that resonates with your audience. If you’ve ever ventured into your “page insights” on Facebook then closed your laptop in terror, then this learning intensive is for you.
Lisa will teach you some of the basic vocabulary so you can understand what information is at your fingertips, where to find it on the three major platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), and how to use some basic data to help you decide what to post on your accounts.
Lisa will teach you some of the basic vocabulary so you can understand what information is at your fingertips, where to find it on the three major platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), and how to use some basic data to help you decide what to post on your accounts.
- Other events or classes in this series
- Check out Lisa's webinar, Using Social Media Tools to Free Up Your Time, on Saturday at 1 p.m. EST
- And the other intensive that she is offering, Three Steps to a Social Media Content Plan