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Sourcebooks #OwnVoices Pitchfest

Business Sourcebooks #OwnVoices Pitchfest

Basic and Premium Members Prices
  1. Pitch
SavvyAuthors is partnering with Sourcebooks and offering a #OwnVoices pitchfest opportunity for authors of Color, LGBTQIA+, and Own Voices/Diverse romance! We're working with Deb Werksman, Editor, Sourcebooks to help her find great diverse authors and get them published!

Deb and Sourcebooks are currently looking for:

Authors of Color, LGBTQIA+, and Own Voices/Diverse romance

  • Single title only, please (80-100,000 words)
  • Contemporary romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, historical romance
  • Visit us to see our Romance submission guidelines
Your Pitch should include:

  • Subgenre, book title, series title
  • The series hook and book hook
  • 2-3 sentence pitch
  • 1-2 sentences about the next 2 books in the series
  • Author sales history (are you debut, hybrid, self-published, commercially published, and how many books published?)

Questions about how pitchfests work? See our Pitchfest FAQ!
Likes: rootwomin
Start date
Apr 15, 2020 at 9:00 AM
End date
Apr 17, 2020 at 11:59 PM
Registration end date
Apr 17, 2020 at 11:59 PM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings