What makes SuperGirl so super? Learn to build a super-heroine piece by piece with Eilis Flynn

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[bcolor=transparent]We love our super-heroines. From Wonder Woman to BatGirl to Elasta-girl, all our super-heroines share characteristics that we recognize and adore. Join Eilis as she breaks down what makes a super-heroine so super and how you can use those secrets to write your own timeless lady butt-kickers! Eilis will show you how,[/bcolor]
  1. [bcolor=transparent][bcolor=transparent]The origins of the earliest super-heroines in modern pop culture affect building a realistic super-heroine,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  2. [bcolor=transparent][bcolor=transparent]Super-heroines differ or compare from superheroes,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  3. [bcolor=transparent][bcolor=transparent]Super-heroines differ from regular heroines,[/bcolor][/bcolor]
  4. [bcolor=transparent][bcolor=transparent]You can create your own and stand out from the rest.[/bcolor][/bcolor]
Eilis Flynn
Start date
May 23, 2016 at 9:00 AM
End date
Jun 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Registration end date
May 25, 2016 at 7:00 PM
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