- New this year at SavvyAuthors!
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- Level
- Mixed
- Basic and Premium Members Prices
- Premium Members $30 & Basic Members $40
*Register by March 12 and save $5, use code KIDLITLIPTON at checkout!**
- Category
- Business
- Characters
- Description/Setting
- Editing
- Dialogue
- Structure
- Genre
- Writer's Life
- $5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
The marketplace for books for younger readers has exploded in recent years in all genres. Parents, teachers and children are looking for new books to read that deal with contemporary and realistic problems as well as science fiction and fantasy, not to mention historical fiction. Whether you’re interested in dystopian world-building or animal stories, this class will cover the basics of writing for younger audiences with a focus on how the younger readership (and books for younger readers) differ from those written for adults.
This workshop will cover: hooking the younger reader through engaging first sentences, paragraphs and chapters; creating main characters younger readers will love; outlining the plot arc; secondary characters and subplots; pacing; and, writing scenes that crackle with tension and conflict. Participants will be given reading and writing assignments relevant to each topic.
This workshop will cover: hooking the younger reader through engaging first sentences, paragraphs and chapters; creating main characters younger readers will love; outlining the plot arc; secondary characters and subplots; pacing; and, writing scenes that crackle with tension and conflict. Participants will be given reading and writing assignments relevant to each topic.