Writing the Thriller with Steve Shrott

Genre-Action Adventure Writing the Thriller with Steve Shrott

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Basic members $35/Premium members $25

Register by July 26th and save $5, use code THRILLERSHROTT2021 at checkout!
  1. Characters
  2. Description/Setting
  3. Editing
  4. Dialogue
  5. Structure
  6. Genre
  7. Plotting
  8. POV
  9. Voice
  10. Worldbuilding
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to construct a thriller from beginning to end. Some of the topics covered are:
  • What is a thriller and why are they so popular?
  • The many different categories of thrillers
  • Secrets of creating commercial story ideas
  • Developing a ‘hot’ plot
  • How to start your story with a bang and keep up the momentum
  • Techniques that help us write high octane scenes and chapters that keep readers turning pages
  • Designing heroes that your readers care about as well as three dimensional villains
  • Crafting twists and reversals that no one sees coming
  • Strategies to keep the tension taut, and the suspense sizzling
  • Uncovering the techniques of top thriller writers
So if you want to learn how to write one of the world’s most popular genres, then join me for the workshop, ‘Writing the Thriller.’
Start date
Aug 2, 2021 at 9:00 AM
End date
Aug 15, 2021 at 1:00 AM
Registration end date
Aug 4, 2021 at 1:00 AM
4.94 star(s) 49 ratings

More classes from Stevens7_2000-yahoo.ie

Latest reviews

Great introduction to writing Thrillers. I especially liked having writing homework assignments. I feel they students learn the best.
SavvyAuthors has a lot of wonderful instructors, but Steve Shortt is on my top five list for sure. I always learn a ton from his lectures and insights. He's particularly strong with timely, personalized feedback. I hope he'll continue teaching with SavvyAuthors for many years!!