Recent content by Angela Knight

  1. Angela Knight

    Craft Burning Ink: Writing Steamy Romances with NY Times Bestselling author Angela Knight

    In this class, a New York Times bestselling author of erotic romance explores how to write romance hot enough to burn the pixels off the screen. Angela discusses the creation of characters with the kind of intense sensuality needed in erotic romance; building a believable erotic attraction that...
  2. Angela Knight

    Business Polish Your Pitch with NY Times Bestselling Author Angela Knight

    Polish up your three-line pitch and get it ready for SavvyAuthors' Spring Pitchfest. We want everyone's pitches the very best they can be! We are offering a two week, mini-intensive workshop to help you polish that pitch through three rounds of feedback with NY Times Bestselling Author Angela...
  3. Angela Knight

    Craft Braiding Conflicts to Build the Perfect Climax with Angela Knight

    The basic building blocks of romance fiction are conflicts: internal, external, and romantic. Strong conflicts drive readers to keep reading in order to discover who wins. No matter how beautiful the writing is, if the conflict isn’t strong enough, the reader will get bored and go read...
  4. Angela Knight

    Genre-Romance MASTER CLASS: Spells of the Heart: Editing Your Romance for Maximum Magic with Angela Knight

    You’ve just typed The End. Sigh! You’re done… Not so fast. You can be absolutely sure that somewhere in that stack of pages are: embarrassing plot holes; limp love scenes; sentences that clank instead of ring; conflicts that go nowhere; colorless cardboard characters; and fight scenes with...