Dorothy Jeanne

Dorothy Jeanne keeps herself busy. She currently lives with her husband and four dogs. Over the years she has born and raised four children and now has eight grandchildren to shower with love.

Born in Ontario, and raised in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Dorothy has had a diverse life. Whether she's working as a legal secretary, running a helicopter charter company in the arctic, milking goats on their Prince Edward Island farm, leading sales teams on the east and west coasts, publishing a magazine, or writing her novels...Dorothy just can't stop her creative processes from flowing. Hold on tight..she's working on a new project!

Member statistics

Reaction score
September 14
Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada
Dorothy Jeanne Engst
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Genres I write in...
  1. Women's fiction
  2. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  3. Young Adult
  4. Time Travel


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