
Hi. I’m Francesca Hawley and I’m a fat chick. A woman with dangerous curves just like my heroines.

Many people don’t like the word, “fat” but I do because it’s the truth and I’ve learned to own it. I am a fat chick and I always will be. When I first began to read romance, the heroines were all thin. I kept wondering, where were the fat heroines? I wanted to read about a fat chick who loved herself—or at least learned to love herself—and a hot alpha hero who liked her jiggly bits just the way they were. Since I didn’t find many big girls to read about, I decided to write about them, so Francesca Hawley – author of Romance with Dangerous Curves was born.

In a Francesca Hawley romance, my readers will find authentic, sensual, fat heroines who love and are loved by their intense, passionate, and seductive Alpha heroes. I hope you enjoy their dangerous curves just as much as their hunky heroes do.

Member statistics

Reaction score
October 20
Francesca Hawley
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Blog URL
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. SF Romance
  4. Erotic Fiction
  5. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  6. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  7. Historical
  8. Time Travel
  9. Science Fiction
  10. Short fiction & Novellas
  11. Paranormal Romance


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