
My passion for writing began when I was eight years old. My older sister was complaining to my parents about having to write an essay for class. When I found out what an essay was, I was in disbelief that anyone wouldn't want to do such an assignment! So I went to my room and spent a few hours on my "SA" about Hello Kitty. That was the day my writing muse was born.
I majored in Creative Writing at FSU, spending countless hours writing poetry and short stories. When I began looking for jobs, I realized I had to get "a real job" while honing my craft. The "real jobs" included being a financial proofreader, tabloid graphic designer, floral assistant, sports facility graphic designer, and nonprofit founder/director. Two years ago, I decided to start writing full time and, since then, have written two children's books, two romance novels, one half of a cozy mystery, and a chapbook of poetry based on bar stool observations.

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Nashville, TN
Heather Van Syckle
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. Women's fiction
  4. Short fiction & Novellas
  5. Childrens
  6. Poetry
Writer and Photo Retoucher


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