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I discovered romance novels late. My favorite genre books and stories until about seven years ago were Science Fiction (Star Trek and Star Wars fan!), Mysteries/Thrillers (Agatha Christie, Dick Francis, Tony Hillerman, Patricia Conrwell), Action Adventure, Fantasy and a little bit of Horror (mostly Stephen King).

I stumbled into some Romantic Adventure/Thrillers and Paranormal Romance (yes, I read Twilight before I saw the movie, and now I fairly detest “nice” vampire stories — it’s just not right!) and it spurred the latent author in me.

I view “paranormal” and “supernatural” characters quite a bit differently than Stephen King, and the romance genre opened the door to protective, supportive and strong willed male and female characters who weren't “dumb blonds” and didn't die at the hands of an evil demon or alien monster in the first chapter. My monsters are heros to the women they love, their families and communities. I guess I always liked the “Beauty and the Beast” story. I also like Stan Lee's idea that even superheros have problems — it makes them more human.

Villans are more subtle in my stories. They are the darker ones of us who exploit, steal, wound and kill out of jealousy, greed and revenge. Although James Bondian villans make a great movie, they are just a little over the top for the characters wandering around in my head. I like the more realistic kind of bad guy being thwarted by the good guy, or gal, taken to jail and made to stand trial for his/her crimes. It feels more satisfying to me.

The story of my life is pretty boring. I like to read and write fanciful fiction because it takes me to a place where my characters can have more fun, experience more adventure and enjoy a forever love. Who wouldn't want that?

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Carson Valley, Nevada
Jennifer Hollister, AAS
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
  2. I provide creative and promotional services
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. Romantic Elements
  4. Erotic Fiction
  5. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  6. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  7. Short fiction & Novellas
  8. Paranormal Romance
Newbie Author, Graphic Artist


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