Jinny Kirby Baxter

I'm a retired senior citizen with a desire to write books. I have one on Amazon already. I self-published and edited, so it's not a best seller. But I have wanted to write all my life. My first husband was not a very nice man and tore up all my early writing and I just put it aside. Years later, after a movie-worthy divorce, I remarried a man who bought my first computer and told me to sit down and get to it. Well, sadly, he died a year later and I lost all my writing wants. Now, I want to get back to it. I really need a critique partner to guide me and keep me on task.
I'm a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother, and I had a long career in school transportation. My biggest writing accomplishment was writing the State Teachers manual for training bus drivers. Not exactly riveting storytelling. I have done a lot of technical writing and some magazine and newspaper articles. But now I want to write a great story. My first book was called An August Affair and the one I am working on now takes place in the same town with some of the same characters. It's a love story with a mystery going on in the background. I hope this site will give me the push I need to get it done.

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Pahrump, Nevada
Jinny Kirby Baxter
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance


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