Recent content by joan koster

  1. joan koster

    Craft Writing with Splash: Enriching Your Writing with Sensory Language with Joan Koster

    Did you know that there are 7 senses? Or wait is that 8? At any rate, no matter how many there are, a great writer uses ALL of them in EVERY place possible in their writing. In this course, you will learn about our senses, how they work, and when, where and how to use them in your current WIP...
  2. joan koster

    Plot-Structure-GMC Theme, Trope, & Premise with Joan Koster

    In this workshop, we will explore what these hard-to-define terms mean and how to use them to form the underlying framework for powerful stories and impactful marketing. Learn how to twist tropes, weave in theme, and build a compelling premise that can be used in promoting the finished book.
  3. joan koster

    Editing Revise Your Draft in 30 Days with Joan Koster

    You’ve done it! Reached the end of your draft. Wouldn’t it be nice if that was all you had to do? But unless you are a wonder writer, your initial draft will not be perfect. So, what comes next? Revision! In this workshop, you will receive a revision road map and a tip for revising your draft...