Karen Louise

I retired from the fast paced banking industry last year and immediately began plotting my first Fiction Romance Adventure Novel. After typing END last September 10th, the real work began.
I'm grateful for the years of rejection in my previous sales and service occupations. Its provided me with the thick skin required to accept all of the constructive criticism in the many rejection letters that I initially recieved. Since then, I've been watching many pod-cast and reading books on elements such as DPV, and "Weasel Words".
I looking forward to the opportunity to continue growing my craft.
Thanks for reading . . .

Member statistics

Reaction score
April 24
West Deptford, NJ
Karen Spencer
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  4. Science Fiction
Retired Banker/New Author


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