Leenna Naidoo

Leenna writes cross-genre suspense, romance, and dabbles in sci-fi/fantasy. She also reads the tarot. Her short stories have appeared in The Mad Scientist Journal, SciPhi Journal and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. Her self-published novels include No Distance To Run and Settle Down Now. Her attempts to channel Terry Pratchett-style fiction resulted in Quest For The Wholly Pale, part of FV Press’ Wizards In Space Storyverse™.
She blogs on www.leennanaidoo.wordpress.com. Her tarot resources and videos are on her Patreon and YouTube channels: WriterstarotWithLeenna.

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Durban, South Africa
Professional Interests
  1. I provide creative and promotional services
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. Romantic Elements
  4. Women's fiction
  5. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  6. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  7. Time Travel
  8. Science Fiction
  9. Humor
  10. Short fiction & Novellas
  11. Non-fiction
  12. Paranormal Romance
Writer, Tarot Reader, Designer


X, the social media site formerly called Twitter


Leenna Naidoo
No Distance To Run


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