I'm rating this as 1 low and 5 is high. The class started off great. Video presentations were great and detailed. Then, we were directed to adobe software. I knew this and signed up with Adobe. Where things went wrong was in the direction. Previous videos had been detailed about every facet of, for example, a photo shoot. I thought there would be a similar approach with Adobe instruction (it's complex software for the beginner). Instead, the level of instruction shifted into faster gear. When I posted about just getting started in Adobe (and being overwhelmed with trying to maneuver within it), the response I got was a friendly, "well, this is what it is." A good instructor takes the pulse of a class. He/she breaks down intricate subject matter to bite size pieces and walks students through it. Giving a "good luck with it because this is the way it is" is not the best approach. I cancelled my Adobe account. I had already signed up for the vlogging class but I'm not sure it will be worth my time now.