Recent content by lrdavis

  1. lrdavis


    Welcome @McKinlay Thomson We have quite a few writers who write erotic romance. I write not so much for me. LOL But welcome! Lyn
  2. lrdavis

    Changing Directions

    Hi @Del Weiss Pseudonyms are common here. Congrats on your success as a writer. We have quite a few that cross over between genres. There are a small number of SIGs (special interest groups) that give you a chance to interact with writers of similar interests. I'm a mod for Kidlit and Science...
  3. lrdavis

    Children’s Fantasy author

    I'm the same member == on Scrib (Lyndsey Davis) or Savvy (LRDavis) -- Glad to see you here. :D
  4. lrdavis

    Children’s Fantasy author

    P.S. I might be up by 9 AM PST. :D See you around.
  5. lrdavis

    Children’s Fantasy author

    Welcome @ExAlaskan Glad you are here. No need to be an early riser. They will post by 6 AM, but it won't be a webinar that you have to 'attend'--rather, this will be available at your convenience. You can post a question, if you need, whenever you show up at the forum. The presenters will be...
  6. lrdavis

    Newly joined.

    Welcome @Escapee! You have come to the right place. We have lots of Romance writers and quite a few who write historical. You may want to join a SIG (special interest group) which can put you in touch with others of similar interest. Also, check out the spectacular classes/workshops. I think...
  7. lrdavis

    Hi! Fantasy/Mystery/Parody/Romance

    I've approved you for Speculative Fiction--yeah, I mod that, too. LOL If you introduce yourself, I can welcome you there, again. :D
  8. lrdavis

    Hi! Fantasy/Mystery/Parody/Romance

    Welcome @Leenna Naidoo! There are a few of us who write fantasy and romance. You are among friends. You might want to join a SIG (special interest groups) in Romance, Spec Fiction and others. I'm a moderator here, as are my colleagues, @Mona, @RJ Garside, @Lynn Shannon @lesliedow and others...
  9. lrdavis

    Coming out of the shadows

    Well, hi Deb! Welcome out of the shadows. We have many lurkers in Savvy. It's kind of a laid back, not-intense environment. But you can receive all kinds support from the people here. I congratulate you on taking this step and introducing yourself. I'm sure @Lynn Shannon @lesliedow @RJ Garside...
  10. lrdavis

    Sci-fi/Space Opera

    You are very savvy! You beat me to it!
  11. lrdavis

    Sci-fi/Space Opera

    Oh, I'm so glad that you were able to join in. RE: SIGs Here's the link: SavvySigs So you can see all the groups here. If you need a specific link, I can do that for you. :D Also, use the drop down from the three parallel lines up to the left next to the title SavvyAuthors. Scroll down to the...
  12. lrdavis

    Sci-fi/Space Opera

    Welcome @Esmari We have a cool SIG (special interest group) headed by @Rhonda in Speculative Fiction, so you could easily be among friends. Savvy has been a great teacher and critiquer of queries and pitches. There are routine events here to promote pitches--usually especially after...
  13. lrdavis

    New Adult Writer

    Hey @Rick Sexton, Sorry for your difficulties. Please notify [email protected] right away so that can be resolved. Welcome to Savvy! I'm one of the moderators and am available if you have other questions. @RJ Garside @Lynn Shannon @Dawn_McClure and @Mona will probably stop by, too.
  14. lrdavis

    New here. How do the classes work?

    Welcome @Liz Boeger! I usually respond faster and welcome newcomers right away, but my internet has been off while we moved. :( I hope you have really enjoyed your class. Don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions. You can PM me or post it here. You started off well by asking a question...
  15. lrdavis


    Welcome @bexyoungblood! Savvy has some of the best classes online. They are quite different than face2face classes in schools. The instructors post a lesson and it can be days of silence between the lesson and assignment and the next post from a student, who has posted his/her homework...