Lynda J. Sanders

I am a mother of two adults. My children and I are close. I am also a wife. I am a christian that believes in power of prayer. And I believe that it is important to read the bible. I love God and his son Jesus. I believe in the Holy Spirit and that without the trinity, I can do nothing. As of next month on my birthday. I will be 57 years old. But I still am a beautiful, nubian queen. I have been writing stories since I was nine years old. I love creating stories. As I got older I realized that my writing is my survival kit. Not to mention I have learned that my writing is to help others heal mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In 2005, I became the founder of my own production company. We perform plays that I have written. We perform them in churches and in theaters. Yet I also have novels that I have written that I desire to have published. One novel is ready to go, "Secrets of an Angel."

Member statistics

Reaction score
November 24
Lynda J. Sanders
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Women's fiction
  3. Plays and Scriptwriting


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