Mahala Church

My company, Written Word provides services for an international group of clients: editing, writing, and teaching. I work with authors, small business owners, and organizations to give them the competitive edge.

Within Written Word is Barefoot Writing Academy from which I teach classroom and online classes especially for writers: blogging, creative writing, and book revision.

A Pushcart Prize nominee in 2008. I am the published author of fiction and non-fiction in hard copy and online articles, short stories, and personal essays. I write newsletters and blogs for numerous businesses, including the business of being an author.

In a highly competitive market, writing is a business that centers on isolated pursuit. It is vital for writers to commiserate and build a viable network. Small businesses of all types face similar problems, and I created Written Word as an interactive, editing and writing company, that works with clients to give them the competitive edge to excel.

You can sign up for my newsletter, Tea & Empathy for Writers, on my website Edit - Write - Teach

I look forward to getting to know you. Mahala

Member statistics

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Mobile, Alabama
Mahala Church
Professional Interests
  1. I provide creative and promotional services
  2. I'm an editor
  3. I'm a writer's coach
Genres I write in...
  1. Women's fiction
  2. Literary Fiction
  3. Humor
  4. Short fiction & Novellas
  5. Non-fiction
Editor, Writer, Instructor


X, the social media site formerly called Twitter


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