Recent content by MissBert

  1. MissBert

    How To... Yep, those posts you see here in your feed are where you will pitch!

    My pitch is only 66 words but it is 4 sentences. That is ok, right? I am in the pitch workshop where they said word count is more important than sentence count. Want to confirm that. thanks Bert
  2. Formless A Mickey Crow Paranomal Adventure

    Formless A Mickey Crow Paranomal Adventure

    One-armed Mickey Crow, reluctant socialite Pris, and mad scientist Mo, along with AI raven Ek, are undercover at Fright Island Theme Park. Seems that the park's advanced augmented reality system is making people sick. Some are injured. Someone even died.
  3. SHIVER A Mickey Crow Paranormal Adventure

    SHIVER A Mickey Crow Paranormal Adventure

    A twenty-five-year-old one-armed woman, Mickey Crow, and reluctant socialite, Pris, are hired by a friend to investigate a mysterious midnight disappearance of a lifeguard trainee for their podcast, the Contrary Crow. Shell Beach turns out to be an odd place full of strange people.
  4. The Maw and Other Time-Traveling Lizard Tales

    The Maw and Other Time-Traveling Lizard Tales

    An alt-history story cycle featuring Aztecs, mermaids, pirates, steampunk, dinosaurs, and of course, time-traveling lizards. Print and Kindle, on Amazon.