
MS Tufail (Mandy to her friends) squeezes in word counts in between school drop off and Zoom meetings. She was given a word processor for her 6th birthday and has been hen-pecking her way to authorship ever since. She’s never published and hasn’t won anything for writing since high school and is thrilled to have broken that streak with the SavvyAuthors Fortnight Flash Fiction contest, her first attempt at flash fiction. Mandy lives in New Orleans with her two kids and husband. She’s been a member of SA since August 2023 and has been a voracious devourer of classes, however she’s discovered the hard way that taking more than 3 SavvyAuthor classes at a time gets to be a whole lot.

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New Orleans
Mandy Scarborough
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. Romantic Elements
  4. Erotic Fiction
  5. Urban Fantasy
  6. Paranormal Romance




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