Peter Taylor

I headed SCBWI Queensland Australia prior to the role being ARA, and am a former editor of newsletters for the Children's Book Council of Australia, and high school biology and art teacher.

HarperCollins/Unwin Hyman, GMC Publications, Allen &Unwin and Hinkler Books have released my how-to calligraphy and papercrafts books for adults and older children, along with numerous spin-off products—the latest in the US in September 2022. Other published works include Middle Grade science, and a picture book that was shortlisted for Speech Pathology Australia’s Book of the Year Award. I’m a former.

World Expo 88 commissioned a handmade and handwritten artist book to be part of it's gift to HM Queen Elizabeth II of the UK at its opening.

My Australian literary agent for ten years, Margaret Kennedy, has retired. I'm represented as a speaker and workshop presenter by Speakers Ink.

It's always a pleasure to help people when I can.

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Brisbane Australia
Peter Taylor
Professional Interests
  1. I provide creative and promotional services
Genres I write in...
  1. Young Adult
  2. Historical
  3. Humor
  4. Non-fiction
  5. Childrens
  6. Middle grade
Author, Calligrapher, Book arts professional
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