Recent content by Sandra Gale

  1. Sandra Gale

    Pitch Results 2022 Autumn Pitchfest Editor & Publisher Requests!

    Congratulations everyone, and good luck with your submissions!
  2. Sandra Gale

    Site Q's, Bugs & Requests Can I NOT be a "scribbler"?

    Hi - Can't seem to find the setting to change my "scribbler" moniker under my name. Can anyone share where to update that? Thanks! Sandra
  3. Sandra Gale

    Intros & Newbies Hello and a question

    Hi Brad and Leslie - My book club reads all sorts of books, so it's hard to say what our "type" is. We read fiction most often, with some memoirs/biographies mixed in. Some common elements include social issues, romance, and strong female characters (this particular club is all women). Based on...