I’m seeking representation for my retro romcom/epistolary romance THE PURPLE PIT, a 1980s answer to the age-old questions: What would you do for love? How far would you go?
In 2021, The Best Present Ever: A Sinner’s Guide to the Holy Land was published by Clear Faith Publishing, a well-established publisher in Florida; and in 2016, No Samaritan was published by Tebot Bach, a highly respected publisher of poetry collections, based in California. Both books are available on Amazon, Amazon.co.uk, and www.seangunning.com.
I’ve won poetry contests in the U.S. and Canada, and have been published in many anthologies and magazines in the U.S., Canada, and France (poems, short stories, and business articles).
I'm a Londoner from Irish stock and make a good living as a proposal manager for a Fortune 500 company.
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