Recent content by sladuke

  1. sladuke

    Have you signed up for our new Crit Groups?

    Well, somehow I have missed all the conversations on this thread! Sorry to be late to the show. I am on Scribophile, and I have limited success with it. I need to be patient and will eventually, if I participate long enough will find a group of people I trust to work with consistently...
  2. sladuke

    Have you signed up for our new Crit Groups?

    Thank you! I had a grest writing community in my area, then I moved out of state and am struggling to find live humans to interact with. I am therefore looking for online communities. I appreciate the effort of you ladies to help me out!
  3. sladuke

    Have you signed up for our new Crit Groups?

    Thanks! I write middle grade, which is always hard to find groups for. I would really appreciate it.
  4. sladuke

    Hey, anyone wanting to sprint?

    How do I find the sprint room?
  5. sladuke

    Have you signed up for our new Crit Groups?

    Can I get on a wait list for this?
  6. sladuke

    Hey, anyone wanting to sprint?

    just found this does one find this sprint room? And is anyone sprinting tonight or tomorrow (Saturday or Sunday night?)
  7. sladuke

    Hello, fellow writers.

    Martha, I am new to the Carolinas (Greenville area) and am looking for some good local author resources and conferences. Can you make some suggestions?