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    Craft How to turn a short story or novel into a screenplay with Steve Shrott

    Have you written a short story or novel that would be amazing as a movie? That's great news because today up to fifty percent of films are adapted from other sources. In this two week workshop, Steve Shrott will share strategies and techniques that will help you transform your story into a...

    Genre-Mystery-Crime How to Craft Your Mystery Short Story with Steve Shrott

    Learn the three parts of a mystery and where to include what and when. Steve will show you how to outline and use free writing techniques to craft a winning mystery short. What makes a good mystery, and how to be an idea machine. How to craft openings that hook your reader, and twist endings...

    Craft Learn the Secrets of Creating Plot Twists with Steve Shrott

    Learn the secrets of creating plot twists that surprise readers and keep them turning pages. Topics covered include: What is a twist and why are they important? Dissecting twists to see their inner workings. All about turns, reveals, reversals, and red hearings. Creating twists that move your...

    Genre-SciFi How to Write a Sci-Fi Short Story with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll delve into the secrets of writing amazing science fiction short stories. Some of the topics covered are: Creating original and intriguing sci-fi premises that hook readers Techniques used in the most successful science fiction Secrets of writing time travel, first...

    Craft Adding Humor to Novels and Short Stories with Steve Shrott

    Do you want to write a funny novel or short story? Or perhaps you'd like to add humor to the book you've already written? If so, then this is the course for you. Some of the areas covered in this two week course, include-- The difference between funny and humorous. What makes something fun to...