
Susan is a retired ESL instructor now working as a fulltime writer. Her first publication of poetry entitled Moody Gardens: A Collection ofTravel Poems includes artwork by a local El Paso artist, Erika Martinez. It is available in both a colored and a black and white edition on Amazon.
You can find her short story for teens entitled "Puppy Love" there, too, as well as on Kobo, Google Books, and Barnes and Noble.
Her newest publication is a poetry book called Desert Winds: A Collection of Poems about El Paso, which also contains the paintings and drawings of Erika Martinez.
She is currently working on a collection of monologues for teens and a short story collection. She has edited two anthologies for local El Paso writers entitled Southwest Potpourri vol. 1 and 2, also on Amazon. Some of her plays have been read in public readings in local theaters in El Paso.
When she isn't reading or writing, she loves swimming and playing with her orange tabby, Ginger. Her favorite hobby was hand-feeding baby cockatiels when she lived in Miami.

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El Paso, TX
Susan Lynn Zenker
Professional Interests
  1. I'm an editor
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Young Adult
  3. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  4. Short fiction & Novellas
  5. Middle grade
  6. Plays and Scriptwriting
  7. Poetry
retired ESL instructor


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