Recent content by T.E. Bradford

  1. T.E. Bradford

    And the winners ARE!! We have a three-way tie!

    Congratulations to all the winners!!!
  2. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner Contribution by Rose Gardner

    That's so cool! I didn't realize the lack of chlorophyll was considered albinism in trees! Look at me, learning something new. Thank you! :D
  3. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner Contribution by Rose Gardner

    This was the first story I read this week, and it stayed my favorite throughout. I really liked the idea of an albino pine, lending something specific to animals and humans into a tree, and melanin to chlorophyll. So clever! I also liked a lot of the language you used throughout. Sugar-messages...
  4. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Show Must Go On

    Thanks, Rose! Definitely a good idea to open that up and show it more fully. Thank you! :) And I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm always a little amazed when people like reading what I write. LOL
  5. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Show Must Go On

    Thank you, Leslie! :) Yes, I thinking moving some things around so the story ends on that line is a great idea. I appreciate all of the kind words and great feedback.
  6. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Show Must Go On

    Thanks, Jim! I liked your idea, and plan to swap the end of the story around so that this is the last line, since as you pointed out, it's a good ending line. Appreciate the thoughts and suggestion! :)
  7. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Show Must Go On

    Good opening line. You use the word "life" close together first two lines. Might want to change one of them up. Love the line "A shade drawn across his warmth." This was a chilling glimpse into irony. Or karma.
  8. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Show Must Go On

    I’m trapped in death as I was trapped in life. Stuck spectating someone else’s life. We all make our choices, I suppose. And then we must lie with them. My choice… was Aro. # “You’re so beautiful.” I don’t know what melted me more. Aro’s smooth talk or his velvet hands. They lit fire along...
  9. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner Ellender by Watson Davis

    Photography is another creative outlet I've always enjoyed. Glad you liked the pic! :)
  10. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner Ellender by Watson Davis

    Wow - I really enjoyed this story. I didn't expect the twists, which is always a refreshing thing to say. I enjoyed what you did with the prompt of my photograph. Your writing voice is captivating, and I really enjoyed some of your descriptions -- such as the trees compared to steepled fingers...
  11. T.E. Bradford

    Virtual Newbie

    Howdy - I'm a spec fic author, too. I'll have to check out your work. Like you, I really struggled through Covid to get anything productive going. So I can commiserate. Also like you, I'm a singer-songwriter and have written a lot of my own songs and even a couple of musicals. I'd started to get...
  12. T.E. Bradford

    And the winner is....

    Wow - thank you! I'm so pleasantly surprised - there were so many good entries!!! I took the day off yesterday (Friday) and completely missed voting, but hopefully everyone knows how wonderful I thought the stories were. I was so impressed!!!
  13. T.E. Bradford

    Celestial Beach

    Yes, I meant to leave it a bit ambiguous as to whether she really had died and gone to heaven to be with him, or if the road had actually somehow taken her somewhere "else." :) Past? Parallel universe? 2024? I've been watching too much Twilight Zone lately. ;-) But I'm glad you liked the...
  14. T.E. Bradford

    Celestial Beach

    Celestial Beach The sound of the trunk closing, enveloping my single suitcase, rang with an odd finality. I stared at my warped reflection in the rear window. “I shouldn’t go.” Sandra, my best friend since high school, put an arm around my shoulders. “You need this, Dee.” Her smile managed to...
  15. T.E. Bradford

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Old Oak

    I agree that you want to hook readers with your opening, and want to avoid back-story, but I enjoyed the glimpse into Toni's youth with the information about the era she graduated in. This resonated with me. As a suggestion, changing to first-person might be a great way to make it more immediate...