Tamsen Kaye

Tamsen Kaye first glimpsed her love of writing in third grade, when she wrote her first complex poem. It wasn’t until age twelve when she combined that love with a budding passion for justice that she wrote her first short story, a pulp fiction police procedural. Unable to stop at just one, her fondness for multiple viewpoint serial novels was born.
Sometime after discovering video games and neo-paganism, anime and m/m romance novels, the paranormal and Greek mythology seemed like the next logical steps. She’s learned that challenging conventional ideology, reinventing the rules, probing the obscure, pursuing social justice and fostering tolerance through her writing has been the core of her craft all along.
Born and raised in Alberta, Canada in a town that’s not so small anymore, Tamsen lives with four siblings and two cats. Her star sign is Cancer, she worships a certain vampire slayer creator and adores cheesecake.

Member statistics

Reaction score
July 11
Alberta Canada
Tamsen Kaye
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
  2. I provide creative and promotional services
Genres I write in...
  1. Romance
  2. Romantic Elements
  3. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  4. Urban Fantasy
  5. Young Adult
  6. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  7. Horror
  8. Humor
  9. Short fiction & Novellas
  10. Middle grade
  11. Paranormal Romance
Dream Builder and Pokemon Master


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