
Terri Main has written professionally for fifty years. She has taught writing for forty of those years. She has written in just about every media and most types of writing including plays, novels, short stories, radio drama, video documentaries, magazine articles, advertising, nonfiction books, and designed websites. She helped pioneer online education at Reedley College in 2001. Currently, she is "retired" writing books, teaching courses, and acting as Publications Director for Catch Publishing, developing a line of nonfiction and fiction books for an online ministry.

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Reaction score
August 3
Terri Main
Professional Interests
  1. I provide creative and promotional services
  2. I'm a publisher
  3. I'm a writer's coach
Genres I write in...
  1. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  2. Urban Fantasy
  3. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  4. Science Fiction
  5. Humor
  6. Short fiction & Novellas
  7. Non-fiction
  8. Plays and Scriptwriting
  9. Poetry
  10. Paranormal Romance
Author, Edupreneur, and Publisher
Amazon Author Page
My Amazon Author Page
Facebook Page
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X, the social media site formerly called Twitter



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