
I have been writing since I was a young boy, but I did not get serious about pursuing a career in writing until I studied screenwriting at the University of Pennsylvania. Fast forward just north of a decade and I'm now that narrative director and lead writer of a science fiction transmedia project called Xtreme Saga. When I'm not working on the novels, comics, or animation for that project, I'm usually working on the YA fantasy series I'm currently trying to get published. Or writing my tech/gaming entertainment media blog. My current goal is to get my fantasy series published. The first three books are written, edited, and looking for a home. Thanks for reading.

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Taipei, Taiwan
Terrence Sellers
Blog URL
Genres I write in...
  1. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  2. Young Adult
  3. Science Fiction
  4. Horror
  5. Short fiction & Novellas
  6. Middle grade
  7. Plays and Scriptwriting
  8. Poetry
Narrative Director/Community Marketing/Novelist


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