Recent content by Virginia Suckling

  1. V

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner West Mesa Highway

    Great story. How sad. I really felt for her.
  2. V

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Book Dragon

    An enjoyable read. Thank you.
  3. V

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner Portal Roulette by R. A. Gatescf1

    I laughed out loud at the end. Agree with CAC - a fun read.
  4. V

    And we have a Flash Fiction Contest Winner!

    Well deserved, Rose. I really enjoyed reading this story.
  5. V

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner Fake Married

    I enjoyed this story. You could tell that Cooper had feelings for her. Lovely ending. Yes, the same as Rose said - the kiss sealed it for me.
  6. V

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner The Gift

    The eucalyptus burnt down in the hot summer of 2022. One minute the huge tree was there against the skyline and then ‘whoosh’ it was alight in a sparkling red inferno. The conclusion—it was because of the hottest summer we’d had in the outback for some years. We could have told anyone that...
  7. V

    Fortnight Flash Fiction Winner UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES by AliceO

    I loved this story. Well done.