Teach for SavvyAuthors

Teach for SavvyAuthors

Now accepting proposals for 2024 & 2025

Savvy Authors is looking for a few great instructors, presenters, and educators.

You have worked hard to learn the skills that a successful writer needs to publish and flourish in this current marketplace. You have mad skills around writing craft and business, or maybe you have some key information for specific niche genres.

Have you thought about teaching others what you know while learning a bit of extra cash...and getting some name recognition for you and your books while you do?

Our members want hands-on, craft-based workshops with clearly actionable content they can use immediately to become better writers and sell more books. See our current list below!

Content We Love

  • New plotting techniques (or a new take), such as storyboarding, understanding and utilizing story structure, demystifying the beat sheet (or romantic beat sheet).
  • Fresh ways to create or revise a character arc or authentic/realistic characters, including secondary characters or setting up characters for a series.
  • Foundational craft workshops such as concrete GMC, all types of conflict, adding tension to every page, deep point of view.
  • Writing elements such as scene and sequel, description, fresh ways to make dialogue, backstory, and setting work (without being boring).
  • Genre-based topics such as romance, mystery, or thriller writing. Self-editing best practices.
  • We would LOVE a workshop or a series of workshops on how to rapid release from start to finish.
  • We are open to fresh, unique, and outside-the-box workshop proposals.

Submit your Proposal now!

Still have questions about the teaching for us? Contact us!

  • Published
    Aug 21, 2021
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