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Good morning! So glad to be here. I've always written but not with the drive that I've had as of the past few years. I was born in Cuba and came to the States with my parents and brother at the age of nine. I write contemporary romance, where at least one character is of Cuban descent. Makes for great culture clashes. I've had the privilege of living in myriad states, from Miami to Maine, St. Croix USVI to San Antonio, Texas, and Louisiana to Washington state, where I now reside. What a wonderful experience.
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Welcome! I am new to Savvy as well. Recently moved to San Antonio from Whidbey Island WA to be near family. Where in Washington are you located?
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Welcome @Danys Milian-Castillo,

Congratulations on your books with such a great natural conflict!

They sound like fun. You'll find quite a few romance writers here and there are plenty of opportunities to get to interact together.

I'm a moderator, and you are welcome to ask me any questions you might have. I write Kidlit, but several other moderators will pop in, I am sure to say hi, too. People like @Lynn Shannon, @RJ Garside, @Dawn_McClure or @lesliedow
will no doubt stop by.

Welcome to Savvy!
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Happy to have you with us, Danys. Sounds like you have a wealth of information on locations for any book you write. No guessing there.

Like Lyn, I'm a moderator here. You're welcome to prowl around the site, check out the blogs, see what classes and events are coming up. Can't wait to have you in one of the classes I moderate.
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