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New and not really sure what to do

Hi @Kerfuffle

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! I am one of the moderators here and want you to know that you can PM me any time if you have questions. If I don't know the answers I can find out for you.

Starting in a class is a great way to get involved. Different classes are more active and others are quieter since some people 'lurk' and don't post. But I have met my closest friends here during classes.

There are SIGs (special interest groups) that bring people together.

What genre do you write? What class are you taking?

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Hello Kerfuffle,

Welcome to the group. Lyn summed it up nicely, but I'd like to add that you can also browse the blog forum for help with various writing questions. We have various events (like the one coming up in a few days) where you can pitch your book to agents and editors, where you can polish your pitch, or the boot camps that help keep you on track.

This is a good place for busy people since the classes aren't attended in real time. The instructor will post his/her lesson and you can respond when it's convenient for you. We have quite a few lurkers, but take it from me, you'll get a lot more out of the lessons if you actively participate. I'm a moderator, and I look forward to seeing you in class.
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Thank you for the responses. It is very welcoming.

I have a completed Paranormal Romance manuscript which I am querying with no success. Additionally, I am working on it's sequel as the whole thing is meant to be a trilogy.

As if that wasn't enough. I have a few flash pieces kicking around that could probably use some editing and some story outlines for a romance with BDSM themes and another piece I'm not really sure how to genre yet as its an idea and I haven't really fully flushed it out.
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Hi, @Kerfuffle, welcome to Savvy! Several of us in the Passion SIG write paranormal, as well as BDSM, so feel free to let me know if there's anything you need. I've sent you an invite to the group in case you'd like to join us. We're all currently working in this thread. Click here. I assume you'll get an invitation notice somehow. If you still have problems joining us after that, just let me know. The door's open if you care to join us! :)
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